Running Programs trough the [Run] feature

Running programs through the [RUN] feature [well, im not sure if anybody
doesnt know this...but 4 those hu don't JUST READ IT!]

...instead of running it by clicking START> PROGRAMS> blah blah blah> blah>
blah.exe... can do it by START> RUN blah...

Well, guys, currently this feature exists in any WINDOWS OS [but nt sure inthe future].
I usually run OFFICE programs using this feature...

just follow these procedures:
[and if this programs doesn't work in ur os, any of these might be
1. You/Somebody has configured ur os to disable this feature... [inany way]
2. Your "PATH" doesn't include the directory of the programs you'retryin to run.
3. You don't have that program installed.
4. Your OS is dead.
5. Your dead.]

i.e.: START> RUN> msimn


Outlook Express msimn
Control Panel control
Calculator calc
Internet Explorer iexplore
Explorer explorer
MS DOS Prompt command [WIN < XP] /
cmd [in XP] [note: if u will run command in winXP, not all
the DOS
commands works]
Notepad notepad
Wordpad wordpad


MS Publisher [ > 97] mspub
MS Word winword
MS Powerpoint powerpnt
MS Excel excel
MS Outlook outlook
MS Access msaccess

AND MANY MORE... [just discover it for urselves...]


SUBMITTED BY: Blue Hunter/[Aryan Technologies]